*Whether you are a Beginner or Intermediate Medium, everyone is on a similar journey. It's all about the technique, vibrations, and conducting a smooth connection with Spirit.
Isn't it time that you stop comparing yourself with other Mediums and start finding the way that works for you?
In each of the courses, we will learn and practice effective ways of connecting with the Spirit Communicator and holding on to the link to get Evidential Mediumship. Classes will be small with individualized instruction and interactive learning/practice.
Students are expected to participate in exercises and be visual on Zoom.
*Please note that each five week classes are based upon each other so this will not work if you are dropping in here and there.
**Classes will not be recorded and no refunds after the first class.
(Includes five 1.5 - 2 hour classes)
*Whether you are a Beginner or Intermediate Medium, everyone is on a similar journey. It's all about the technique, vibrations, and conducting a smooth connection with Spirit.
Isn't it time that you stop comparing yourself with other Mediums and start finding the way that works for you?
In each of the courses, we will learn and practice effective ways of connecting with the Spirit Communicator and holding on to the link to get Evidential Mediumship. Classes will be small with individualized instruction and interactive learning/practice.
Students are expected to participate in exercises and be visual on Zoom.
*Please note that each five week classes are based upon each other so this will not work if you are dropping in here and there.
**Classes will not be recorded and no refunds after the first class.
(Includes five 1.5 - 2 hour classes)
Beginners 1 - Five week classes -$175 (no refunds after the first class)
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This class is for Beginners and/or Mediums wanting to strengthen their basic Mediumship Skills while providing a solid foundation to work with.
* Lessons will be with visual PowerPoint presentations along with discussions and in class practice sessions.
* Students will also have the opportunity to practice with each other outside of class in a private class Facebook page and in my weekly Beginners Practice Circles.
In this Beginners class 1, we will be working on -
- Protections and Intentions
- Connecting with Spirit and holding the connection
- Working with Spirit Guides to receive needed Evidence
- Expanding on Evidence received
- Do's/Don'ts during a reading
- Building your confidence and trust
- Practice, practice, practice
Intermediate/Mentorship -
Six week Classes -$350
(no refunds after the first class)
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(Requirements) <You should have the ability to easily receive and connect with the Spirit world for at least 30 minutes.
< Be willing to practice weekly readings outside of the class times with sitters on Zoom.
< You should be open to change and suggestions to take your readings to a more professional level.
* Sessions are conducted with visual PowerPoint presentations along with discussions and demo videos.
In class, we will be working on -
Students will be taking their Mediumship skills to a higher level in this Mentorship Class.
Please note - This is not a "Practice Circle" class, but a learning environment with instructional sessions.
In addition, students will be working in and out of class with sitters to practice newly learned techniques.
(Do not take this class if you can not dedicate enough time for the weekly class and the outside required sitter readings.)
*****Schedule based on availability of student.
Six week Classes -$350
(no refunds after the first class)
Click here for International Currency Converter
(Requirements) <You should have the ability to easily receive and connect with the Spirit world for at least 30 minutes.
< Be willing to practice weekly readings outside of the class times with sitters on Zoom.
< You should be open to change and suggestions to take your readings to a more professional level.
* Sessions are conducted with visual PowerPoint presentations along with discussions and demo videos.
In class, we will be working on -
- How to work through different types of readings & sitters
- Increasing speed and holding the connection longer
- Do's/Don'ts during a reading
- Learning how to start and finish a professional reading for a sitter
- (optional) Releasing any negative energy from a reading, if any
- Custom recorded individual suggestions for each student to step up their Mediumship.
Students will be taking their Mediumship skills to a higher level in this Mentorship Class.
Please note - This is not a "Practice Circle" class, but a learning environment with instructional sessions.
In addition, students will be working in and out of class with sitters to practice newly learned techniques.
(Do not take this class if you can not dedicate enough time for the weekly class and the outside required sitter readings.)
*****Schedule based on availability of student.
Skills Review Classes -
(no refunds after the first class)
$60 = 5 Sessions for Skills Class 1
$60 = 5 Sessions for Skills Class 2
(must take Class 1 first)
* Each session is 1.5 hours and students must have had some type of training/skills.
(no refunds after the first class)
$60 = 5 Sessions for Skills Class 1
$60 = 5 Sessions for Skills Class 2
(must take Class 1 first)
* Each session is 1.5 hours and students must have had some type of training/skills.
* If you do not hear back within 24 hours, please contact me directly at - [email protected]